Scheduled Down Time

As we have discussed over the past several months, we will be upgrading our Learning Management System at to a new version. We will be implementing that change on February 1st, 2024, at 0800 which will take 24-48 hours, during which time, the site will be down. 

Please plan accordingly to obtain any reports, certificates, or any other information you may need until the site will be back up. 

We will send out an email notifying you when the site is operational again.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

New Site Coming!

We will be updating the Cape Cod EMS Learning Management System to have a new look and some new functionality! 

This will include performance improvements, increased reporting capabilities for supervisors, and a simplified user interface for all providers.

While we have done everything we could to minimize the changes, there are some that providers should be aware.

We have created a tutorial for providers that you can view by clicking on the video below. We anticipate releasing tutorial videos for EMS Officers and other Supervisors in the near future.